advantages of fiberglass duct insulation

Fiberglass insulation may still sound strange to some people. However, if you have heard of it, you will understand that insulation has several functions and types. Many office buildings, sports halls, and private residences already use this insulation. However, what exactly is this insulation? What are the advantages and disadvantages of using fiberglass duct insulation?

What is FiberGlass Duct Insulation?

Have you ever been curious about why you are in a building you don’t feel hot? Or how is a building able to withstand fire? The answer is that the building already has insulation. Thermal insulation technology can withstand heat and fire. This insulation uses various materials, one of which is fiberglass insulation.

Insulation is a method of reducing, blocking, or regulating heat in a room. It is on the roof or ceiling of a building. Under normal conditions, insulation can stabilize the temperature in a building in certain seasons. For example, the temperature will remain warm even in extreme winter.

Although most of the purpose is to prevent heat from entering the building. This method can adapt to the character of the building, its purpose, and its function. For example, in certain situations, insulation will keep the thermal temperature stable.

So, it can reduce the costs and energy required from the cooling or heating system. Meanwhile, the insulation material is usually an insulating material. For example, plastic foam has lots of air cavities. The purpose is to trap heat so it doesn’t enter the room.

Benefits of Using Fiberglass Duct Insulation

Fiberglass has the characteristics of being light but strong because it contains small glass fibers. Glass is not a conductor, it is a good insulator. The main function of a roof heat absorber is to regulate hot air circulation so that the residence feels cooler and more comfortable. So what are the benefits of fiberglass duct insulation?

The Residence Remains Warm in the Rainy Season and Feels Cool in the Dry Season.

Insulation installed on the roof of the house will keep the heat in the house or building from being too high or low. This advantage is helpful when entering various seasons.

Another Benefit You Can Get is Saving Energy Usage.

Using AC, fans, or heaters can increase electricity bills. However, by installing a roof heat damper, you will save more energy and money on paying monthly bills.

It Turns Out That Installing Roof Insulation can Help Extend the Life of Your Roof.

Installed roof heat dampers can protect the roof from foreign objects that may be damaging. Instead of spending money on roof repairs, replacing the insulation panels every few years will be cheaper.

Using roof heat absorbers to increase the coolness of the house can be an alternative for people who live in the center of a big city or are used to experiencing various seasons.

The Disadvantages of Fiberglass Duct Insulation

Even though many sources have discussed the advantages of fiberglass insulation, this material has drawbacks. What are the disadvantages of fiberglass as an insulation medium for houses and buildings?

  • Fiberglass contains small and thin fibers that have the potential to stick to the skin and be inhaled by the respiratory tract. The danger is if it is inhaled and enters the lungs, it can irritate the alveoli and the lungs. When installing fiberglass, always use protective equipment to prevent this possibility.
  • To prevent moisture, you still have to add a vapor barrier so that the insulation remains dry and not damp.
  • The density value of fiberglass decreases over time because fiberglass will usually settle and sag.
  • Requires additional ventilation to avoid moisture so that it remains dense, but on the other hand, this will damage its efficiency.

How Fiberglass Duct Insulation Works

Roof heat dampers are usually installed at the top or in the gap between the roof and the ceiling. The way this roof heat damper works is quite simple. The device installed will regulate heat circulation in the house. Heat energy from inside the room will be contained and will not escape. On the other hand, heat from outside the house will not enter when opening the door or other ventilation holes.

The roof heat damper itself is an object that functions to reduce the absorption of heat from sunlight from the roof. Insulation means an insulating or blocking process to prevent the transfer of electric current, heat, sound, etc. For those who live in areas with cold weather, using roof heat dampers and fiberglass duct insulation will help the room stay warm during the winter. If you are looking to buy the fiberglass in bulk, contact us the fiberglass manufacturer in China.