advantages of fiberglass duct insulation

Many residences or buildings that rely on central HVAC systems require ductwork to regulate the flow of hot or cold air. This system is related to channels and pipes in such a way. There are many benefits to adding ductwork insulation to homes or buildings. One of them is creating a comfortable home. Of course, this also requires the media. One of the most popular now is fiberglass insulation to the ductwork. If you are curious about this insulation system, please read to the end.

Why is Installing Fiberglass Insulation to the Ductwork so Important?

Every comfortable residence will make the residents or people doing activities in it feel at home and peace. Many factors influence the level of comfort when indoors, one of which is stable air flow. It means the room is not too hot or cold or when it is hot, the air feels cool. Well, this is related to adding ductwork insulation with fiberglass material.

Apart from being comfortable, fiberglass insulation to the ductwork also plays a role in lowering energy absorption, which results in your monthly bill being lighter. The ideal room and home should be energy efficient and comfortable in all weather. Duct insulation prevents air from escaping and flowing normally in the duct system so, the temperature remains stable.

Imagine if there is an air leak, which means energy will disappear and your HVAC system will have to work harder than its standard performance. As a result, you have to spend more money to pay unnecessary bills.

Wasted energy will also affect you and the environment around you. In the long term, of course, this is not good. Installing the insulation will help you save money and prevent the wastage of energy.

Where Should You Install Fiberglass Insulation to the Ductwork?

You must already know that the ducts in the insulation system usually use materials that have a low thickness. In these channels, sheet metal or fiberglass are two popular materials. The most common locations for adding insulation are parts of buildings that people don’t use as places for activities.

You can install this duct insulation on the floor or ceiling of a house building or basement. It is crucial to determine the initial location of the insulation from the start when you design a house or building so that the work results are neater and do not disturb the aesthetics.

The location where fiberglass insulation is added to the ductwork is also able to prevent condensation. What is condensation? Condensation in air ducts occurs when cool air passes through warmer areas in a room. As a result, mold and mildew will appear. Because there is a buildup of water vapor in the closed space of this air channel. So, it is very important to project earlier where the ductwork will be located.

Which is Better, Fiberglass Ductwork or Duct Wrapping?

Apart from fiberglass, other materials can be an option for adding ductwork insulation to your home. This explanation is an illustration of which type of ductwork is suitable for your needs. You need to be wise in determining which type is suitable for insulation with careful consideration to get appropriate results.

Fiberglass Duct

This is a type of insulation that is very easy to find application for. There are many advantages to using fiberglass insulation in the ductwork. Installing fiberglass is an easy job that you can even do yourself without expert help. Purchase and installation costs are relatively cheap. If there is damage to the line, it is not too complicated to repair and replace.

Apart from that, this fiberglass material can absorb noise, thereby increasing the comfort of the occupants of the house. However, on the other hand, this material has disadvantages, especially regarding water absorption. You need to check it frequently.

Other Materials for Duct Wrapping

Apart from fiberglass, manufacturers now also produce other materials as other options for ductwork insulation. Duct wrapping has the characteristics of being an efficient and stable material. It is also a lighter material. Usually, this material has a wrapping channel in the form of a foil surface whose job is to hold the bubble pack between layers of polyethylene. On the moisture side, fewer risks arise.

A popular method of duct insulation is the use of fiberglass. This use is in line with the superiority of the material and its benefits. Fiberglass has the characteristics of an insulation material that is easy to install, cheap and lasts for years. You can install it yourself following the applicable procedures.

First, check the installation location by ensuring several points. Check if there are no leaks, open holes or valves, or disproportionate duct sections. You can also ask experts for help if you feel doubtful or worried about checking your channels. With the correct procedure for installing fiberglass insulation to the ductwork, the insulation can function well and even prevent and overcome deficiencies in the fiberglass material.