Wholesale Fiberglass Cloth Price, Supplier in China

Have you ever walked on a floor covered with a sheet of cloth to prevent slipping in your shoes? Usually, this is often found on downhill or uphill roads, even industrial. They serve to avoid slipping when passing through the road. The material used is anti slip fiberglass.

This material is very useful for everyone in terms of safety. If it rains, the downhill or uphill road will allow someone to slip while passing through it. Likewise, in industries that maintain employee safety, so as not to easily slip and fall, thereby harming the goods around them and the employees themselves.

Fiberglass Slip Resistance Function

Anti slip fiberglass installed on public and industrial roads has many uses in terms of safety. On public roads, this fiberglass anti-slip technology can maintain the safety of road users, especially pedestrians, from slipping. They can withstand the slipperiness of the shoe base, thus preventing you from slipping.

Industrial-mounted anti-slip also has been used. One of them is keeping the steps of employees, clients, and visiting guests. This will keep the steps of employees who access the factory area.

In addition to functioning on public roads, anti slip fiberglass is also useful on walkways, balconies, places to hang clothes at home, roofs, exits, factory floors, around machines, and even to anticipate fires. Although this tool has many advantages, it does not rule out the possibility of deficiencies or weaknesses.

One of the biggest drawbacks of this tool is the possibility of being abrasive to the objects that are on it. And does not have long-lasting properties. Therefore, there may be a change in the use of this item in your home.

Why Is It Necessary To Install Slip Resistance Fiberglass?

Many people ask why it is necessary to install anti slip fiberglass in homes, factories, and even public roads. This tool is installed on roads that are oily or even damaged by chemicals. The road has a difficult condition to be painted or coated with the same material.

In these conditions, this fiberglass plays a role in closing road conditions, as well as maintaining the safety of road users. Why is that? Because on this fiberglass body, there is a rather rough surface, which is made of resin. It is this rough surface that serves to resist the slip of the slippery shoes that you use with damaged road conditions.

Usually, these tools are provided in various sizes and sheet forms. Later the anti slip fiberglass sheets will be arranged to produce a slip-resistant area. So, there is no harm or harm in installing this tool in the area around you or even in public facilities.

Benefits And Features Of Fiberglass Slip Resistance

Here are some of the features and benefits of anti-slip fiberglass, which you should consider when installing it in areas where it is needed at home or in public places.


This tool presents advantageous properties for pedestrians, namely slip resistance. Not only pedestrians, various vehicles and even forklifts can also avoid slipping on the streets they pass.

Can Be Installed In Cold Or Wet Areas

This tool is ideal for installation in cold or wet areas. Area Conditions that are difficult to cover with the same or other materials. So that in its use, it is ideal for trails and the public.

Fast In Application

Using this tool is very easy. After the installation process is complete, the road or area that is installed with anti-slip can be used immediately. This means that you don’t have to wait too long to use or pass through areas that use this tool.

Can Be Used In Multiple Places

In addition to being used on public roads and trails, this tool is ideal for installation in the following locations. Among other things ramps, floors in factories, engines that dispense oil, and even on platforms.

Corrosion Resistance

Because this tool is made of glass fiber, it has properties that are resistant to corrosion. In addition, this tool is also not easy to rot or even change shape like curved. You do not need to replace it regularly because of minor damage. This tool needs to be replaced if the condition is very severe and cannot perform its function properly.

Are you interested in installing this tool at home or around your area? Don’t choose the wrong one. Choose a product from our company, Silicapro. Anti-slip made of glass fiber with unbeatable quality. In addition, our products are also resistant to heat which can prevent fire hazards.

To get the best price for anti slip fiberglass from our fiberglass cloth factory in China, you can directly contact the number listed. Or you can send an email in advance to get details of our products. We serve all consumers from various countries and have sent the products they ordered. Therefore, do not hesitate to shop at our store.