Quartz Fiber vs Carbon Fiber application price advantages

Quartz fiber vs carbon fiber is two different things. But in general, these two materials are widely used for everyday purposes. For example, carbon fiber is used for the manufacture of ships, cars, and other tools. Meanwhile, quartz fiber is often used for the manufacture of watches, computers, and others.

So, what is the difference between quartz and carbon fiber? Or do you already know it? Quartz fiber comes from quartz crystals. That is a chemical compound. For more details on the difference between quartz and carbon fiber, let’s look at the following explanation.

General Understanding of Quartz Fiber

First, you must know in advance what quartz is in general. Quartz is a compound. The compound in question is a chemical compound. You could say this is one of the minerals that have been used. This compound is also the most commonly found on earth. In general, quartz consists of several types. One of them is silica or silicon dioxide, and it contains compounds such as potassium, sodium, and others.

At the beginning of the discovery of quartz, the compound is in the form of clear crystals. For that, the price of quartz is quite high because it is a clear crystal. Its solid form can be used for various needs. For example, quartz sand is used for the manufacture of ceramics and glass. Quartz in the form of fiber is also widely used for needs.

Quartz fiber vs carbon fiber, in general, have the same shape. Which are both in the form of fibers. However, quartz fiber itself is a fiber that comes from clear quartz crystals. The purity level of quartz is also high. No wonder quartz fiber has a higher price because of its higher purity than glass or other fibers. Its use is also limited to the application of an item.

To get quartz fiber, miners need to look for it in metamorphic, igneous, or sedimentary rocks. Because these crystals are often found in these three places, once the quartz crystal is obtained, it can be made into various shapes. Such as fiber, sand, or still form crystals for consumer purposes.

Uses of Quartz Fiber

Quartz fiber vs carbon fiber has a different manufacturing process. Quartz fiber is made by heating a quartz rod with oxygen. After the heating process, a quartz filament appears, which can be stretched to form a fiber. Thus, the resulting fiber can be called quartz fiber.

As mentioned above, quartz can be used in some different types of equipment, such as watches, televisions, radios, or other electronic devices. Quartz fiber itself can be used for making cellphones, computers, and others.

Application of Quartz Fiber

Quartz fiber vs carbon fiber has a big price difference. This is because the quartz fiber material is more expensive. The application of quartz fiber, among others, as a composite material is often also used in electrical installations. Why is this material often used as a composite material? Because this material has high stability. Even higher than glass fiber or carbon.

In addition, quartz fiber is also often used for filtration applications. The most recent application of quartz fiber is in physical devices. Such as electrometer and dosimeter. Not only that, but quartz fiber is also used in the field of optical fiber. This is because quartz fiber has the power to carry data at high speeds. That speed is one terabit. No wonder this material is often used in the world of electricity and information technology.

Our company, Silicapro provides fibers to meet your needs. Including quartz fiber, which is renowned for its quality and price. Quartz fiber vs carbon fiber each has different characteristics. In terms of quality, price, and the manufacturing process. Because it is known to have different prices, people mostly choose to use carbon fiber.

But try to choose the product in our factory. Of course, you will know the advantages quickly. You can make any tool or item you need with quartz fiber. In the market, many forms of quartz fiber are sold in the form of a coil of rope composed of many fibers. What are you waiting for? Entrust your quartz fiber needs to us. Or do you still need complete information? You can contact the listed contact.