Best Fiberglass Brand for Insulation

Choosing the best insulation materials for your houses is important because it will determine the entire comfort of your house. However, installing insulation for your house is not cheap; you might need to spend a lot of money if you want to cover the entire area of your house. Silicapro as the best fiberglass brand allows you to choose the best materials for your house insulation because our product is not only developed based on your passion for good quality but also controlled by university scholars who also have the same interest in developing the best insulation products for mass consumers. 

Best Fiberglass Brand for Best Insulation

Many people are now choosing a fiberglass material for their house insulation, and each of them might come up with different reasons. One of the common reasons makes people choose fiberglass materials instead of foam insulations is because the price for fiberglass insulations is much cheaper compared to any other materials. Many people argue that the current price of house insulation is extremely high, not to mention the installation cost that also needs to be covered because it can also be done by professionals. Due to the limitation of budget, people tend to choose fiberglass insulation which is priced less than half of regular foam insulation. 

What is Another Reason People Choose the Best Fiberglass Brand Insulation?

One of the stand out features of fiberglass insulations is the fact that this product can be applied by yourself as long as you know basic knowledge in doing the DIY project. You don’t need to hire a professional to make it done because the application of fiberglass insulation is quite simple. Here are some steps in applying the fiberglass insulation: 

  1. The first thing that you need to do before setting the insulation in your house is to cut the insulation materials into the size that is fit to the gap of your house. Usually, the insulation materials come with precut size because normal houses usually have the same size of the gap. But if your house has a shorter and less wide gap between the wall, then you might need to cut the insulation materials to fit the size of your house.
  2. Fasten the insulation comes after you cut the insulation material and set it on your wall. In fastening the insulation, you need to remember that the fiberglass insulation materials should not be compressed too much or they won’t be able to trap the air efficiently.
  3. After applying the fiberglass insulation to your room then you might also need to consider applying the insulation around the pipes and the wire. This process might need to be done carefully because small mistakes might require you to redo the process from the very beginning. And don’t forget to also set the insulation on your floor, because it also needs to be kept warm during the cold season.

What are the Types of Products That Are Offered By the Best Fiberglass Brand?

Insulations come from several variations, including cellulose, foam, and fiberglass. Although fiberglass is said to give less comfort than others, this type of insulation is proven to be one of the most common items found in every housing. Fiberglass insulation is also divided into different types of products, including roll, bat, and lose-fill fiberglass insulation. Each of them has its characteristics.

Rolled-up Fiberglass Insulation

Roll fiberglass insulation is known for its rolled-up strips, and people choose this type of insulation because they prefer customized sizes of insulations materials. Precut insulation materials are good as long as the gap on your wall is the same size as the insulation cut, but sometimes you still need to cut it because it needs to be fit in a small gap, especially around the pipe and wire. This is where rolled-up strips come in handy because you can cut them based on the size that you need. 

Batt Insulation

Batt insulation is similar to rolled-up fiberglass insulations, but what makes it different is that this product comes with precut of normal size. In other words, this type of fiberglass insulation is ready to install products. It is preferable for homeowners who want to do the installation as part of a DIY project. 

Lose-fill Fiberglass Insulation

The third type of fiberglass insulation product is lose-fill fiberglass insulation which is easy to be spread by using the insulation blower. In some stores, the insulation blower is rented, so you don’t have to buy one. 

Fiberglass insulation materials are known as the basic insulation materials that you can get in the market. Although the price of the product is cheaper than the rest, it doesn’t mean that it will perform poorly as long as you can set properly and effectively. If you are living in a warmer area, applying fiberglass insulation is preferable; besides it is also less expensive than the rest of the products. 

fiberglass High Insulation Products